“Skill Flight” Restoration Project

Unrestored machine

When I arrived at Thomas’ place in Biene to pick up the pinball machine, I was greeted by a very nice young man. He had initially intended to repair the machine himself but soon realized that it required expert knowledge and skills. Standing in front of me was the pinball machine, a classic beauty with its vibrant colors and retro design. Thomas explained to me that he had tried his best to troubleshoot and fix the issues but found himself overwhelmed by the complexity of the machine. He had hoped to bring it back to its former glory, but now he was looking for someone who could give it the attention it deserved. As I inspected the pinball machine, I could see signs of Thomas’ efforts. Some parts had been taken apart, and there were tools scattered around. It was evident that he had dedicated time and effort into trying to revive this vintage gem. Thomas shared his passion for pinball with me, explaining how he had always admired these machines and hoped to learn more about their mechanics. However, as he delved deeper into the repairs, he realized that it required specialized knowledge and experience. We talked for a while about his journey with the pinball machine and his admiration for the craftsmanship behind it. Thomas expressed his gratitude for finding someone who could properly restore it and ensure that it would be enjoyed by many in the future. As I loaded the pinball machine into my vehicle, I couldn’t help but appreciate Thomas’ efforts and his willingness to acknowledge his limitations. It was a reminder that sometimes, seeking expert help is the best course of action, especially when dealing with something as intricate as a pinball machine. I thanked Thomas for his honesty and assured him that I would do my best to revive the pinball machine, giving it the expert attention it needed. With a fond farewell, I drove away, eager to begin the restoration process and bring this classic piece of gaming history back to life.

Skill Flight power supply before being restored.
Skill Flight power supply before being restored.
Skill Flight restored power-supply - all fuse holders have been changed.
Restored power-suppy

“Upon power supply restoration, the necessary course of action in restoring the Bell Games pinball machines involves the replacement of all fuse holders on the power supply board.”

After repairing the fuse holders carefully and ensuring the correct fuse values, the machine restarted successfully. The success shows the importance of being meticulous when solving equipment problems. The satisfaction of seeing the machine working correctly is deeply rewarding and underscores our sense of duty as caretakers of the equipment.

To be followed….

1 thought on ““Skill Flight” Restoration Project”

  1. Hi! i am in the process of restoring the same pinball machine which i recently acquired, so thank you for your pictures and blog. can’t wait to see what else you are restoring. my machine has a few issues i am still running into.

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